Sometimes the shame of facing the things they did while intoxicated causes them to start drinking again, proliferating a vicious circle of substance use and abuse. Although a person may be drunk, it doesn’t mean they are going to be aggressive. Anger is exacerbated by alcohol, but an easy-going person isn’t likely to become angry while drunk.

  • In addition, she has enjoyed decorating and preparing a safe, comfortable environment for clients and staff.
  • In summary, heavy drinking or chronic drinking alters brain chemistry in the short and long term.
  • Some people may become more angry or aggressive when they drink, in part because of alcohol’s effects on brain chemistry.
  • In most cases, women are at a higher risk of experiencing alcohol-related domestic violence from male partners.
  • Oftentimes, when talking about anger management, healing is also about setting boundaries and learning self-compassion.
  • When you don’t know how to feel, express, and release your anger in a healthy way, you catalyze a painful internal experience, which sets you up for alcoholism, substance abuse and other addictions.

The study involved 495 adults, with an average age of 23, who were social drinkers. Before participating, the participants were screened for any past or present drug, alcohol and psychiatric-related problems. "If you carefully consider the consequences of your actions, it is unlikely getting drunk is going to make you any more aggressive than you usually are." That trait is the ability to consider the future consequences of current actions. But people without that trait don't get any more aggressive when drunk than they would when they're sober.

Alcohol Recovery at FHE Health

I utilize a person-centered approach to my clients to help empower change within themselves. As an integral part of The Freedom Center, Melissa’s multifaceted experience shines through her past work in various capacities. Her presence on this team highlights her dedication to crisis intervention and her ability to provide critical support during vulnerable times.

The stress-reducing effects of alcohol often make people believe there are no real consequences for their actions, which leads to confrontations, fights, or displays of aggression. This is called alcohol myopia, and it’s another reason why people are quick to anger when they drink. In other words, whatever you’re feeling before you drink will likely be magnified once you’re drunk, and because your decision-making is impaired, you’re more likely to act out that anger.

Anger Suppression

Once alcohol consumption is under control, anger management can begin. It doesn’t matter how much anger you have – ignoring it doesn’t do any good. The fact is that both AUD and anger don’t need to be permanent, especially with quality treatment. It’s easy to disregard tough emotions in the moment if you know you can “take the edge off” once you have a drink in your hand. It may feel like you’re confronting that anger once intoxicated, but because alcohol also impairs memory, you’re never fully able to process that anger. Identifying those factors that might contribute to heightened anger when consuming alcohol is important for individuals who have anger issues and those who treat them.

Why can't I control my anger when I drink?

Experts believe the reason some people become aggressive when drunk is due to the way alcohol affects the brain. Binge drinking increases the likelihood of both becoming aggressive or angry and also being on the receiving end of someone else's temper.

Corey’s mission is to provide quality behavioral health care to local community members who reach out in need, regardless of their financial situation. Outside of The Freedom Center, Corey enjoys playing golf, hiking and most of all being the best father to his three young boys. Being born and raised in Gaithersburg, Maryland, it was always a dream for James to start a program where he began his own recovery journey.

How Does Alcohol Use Interact With Anger?

To stop being an angry drunk, you must first identify and accept that you have a problem. Maybe you’ve heard from friends or a significant other that you become angry or hostile while drinking. Once you’ve accepted that you have a problem, you can begin to understand and remedy the situation.

Alcohol and Anger

Research suggests several factors may be involved, including personality, genetics, social considerations, brain chemistry, and brain changes. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy. This is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure FHE Health is trusted as a leader in mental health and addiction care. When they aren’t under the influence, you can try speaking openly with them about how their actions make you feel, how they’re affecting your family and why something needs to change.

Because they’re naturally predisposed to be angry when they drink, this becomes a key part of their personality because they can’t control their drinking or their temper. Alcohol effects the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the region that moderates things like decision-making. What this means is that people whose personalities make them naturally quicker to become angry than others are even more likely to lose control under the influence of alcohol. But in real life, a person who loses control of their emotions when they drink is anything but entertaining. People spend years in therapy and in treatment for issues of their own that are caused by the consequences of this behavior.

How do I deal with my angry drunk wife?

The best thing you can do if your wife is an angry drinker is to encourage her to get her help. It's not going to be productive to talk to her when she is intoxicated. When your wife has sobered up, you can discuss how her behavior is affecting you. She might not realize she is an angry drinker.

Certain behavioral and mental health disorders can make anger management an even tougher challenge. Those with bipolar disorder and PTSD have less control over their reactions and mood regulation, with alcohol further impeding these abilities. When you’re intoxicated, you experience reduced inhibitions, impulsivity, impaired cognitive function, and low regard for future consequences. If you’ve been struggling with angry emotions or violent impulses, these effects of alcohol can make the situation worse.

There are different types of alcoholism, but one of the biggest indicators of an issue is when the person wants to quit drinking but cannot. If you have difficulty controlling your drinking behavior, odds are you likely have trouble controlling your temper while drinking. For that reason, abstaining from alcohol altogether may be the best way to prevent undesirable effects, such as relationship issues or legal trouble. Alternative solutions may involve setting drink limits, avoiding alcohol when you’re already having intense emotions, or opting to have emotional conversations when you’re sober. The ultimate goal is to help them get into a treatment program that addresses their substance abuse and the way it causes them to behave.

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