If your board members meet in person or via video an open and transparent communications can result in more enthused boards and effective decision-making. It is crucial to choose an effective communication system that is compatible to your organization's values and goals to provide your board with the tools it needs to be able to navigate this important process. To help you, we've created a list of tips for effective board members communications.

Avoid "boardspeak." If you get caught up in the jargon used by your organization can quickly turn the conversation into a data dump. Keep it brief and to the point and always proofread.

Take note of the unique style of communication of each board members. Some people prefer to receive information in a visual format, while some prefer writing. Understanding these differences will help you to communicate more effectively, and help you build a strong board culture.

Establish a consistent communication schedule. It is crucial to keep your board informed and up-to-date, even though they meet infrequently. Set up check-ins and emails at the same time each quarter or month so your board members are aware of the status of your organization.

Visual aids can help you understand complicated data or information. Visual representations such as graphs, charts and diagrams will assist your board to recognize patterns or trends that might otherwise be difficult to grasp. By connecting these findings to familiar concepts and analogies, you can make the information more palatable.


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